<aside> 💡 This page provides information on how to amplify the content of our community newsletter, reach out to potential guests we could feature in the Building Voices section, and when/how PBAs are involved during the monthly newsletter creation process.



Inviting a guest for a featured appearance in the community newsletter

<aside> 🤝 Hi Marie and XX,

Introducing you to one another for a possible collaboration on a People Builders piece.

XX, Marie is the Director of Community at Oyster — bringing together many leaders of People teams for remote-first organisations that are looking for a place to explore and solve the challenges we all face.

Marie, XX is leading <job scope/title> at <company name> and is based from <location>. XX and I have met a few times and when you were looking for progressive leaders tackling a remote-first environment, XX was first to come to mind.

I’ll leave you two to connect and work out how you’d like to engage on a possible article or feature appearance in the Building Blocks community newsletter.

If I can be of any help in the meantime just let me know.

<Sender name>


PBAs Involvement During the Newsletter Creation Process Flow


Miro board link: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMGr7gOw=/

Password: peoplebuilders_ambassadors