We‘d love to hear from you 💕

Your story matters! If you have experienced growth, success, or a breakthrough moment through our People Builders community, we would love to hear from you. Share your testimonial with us and inspire others on their journey. Click the link to submit your story

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." – Henry Ford

What fellow members say about our events! 💫

<aside> ⭐ Loved hearing from other peers and feel less alone with the challenges!


<aside> ⭐ I loved the format of the discussion opportunity. Very insightful.


<aside> ⭐ Level of interaction. The thought put into the overall design of the event. Very unique. Would attend another one. Use of Miro and music versus boring presentations. Great job!


<aside> ⭐ Loved interacting and networking to learn different perspectives


<aside> ⭐ 9/10 (only because you didn't give us the answer! hahaha!). Seriously though, great session, really enjoyed the format, much better than a traditional webinar


<aside> ⭐ Thank you for setting up the fabulous interactive event. I walked away with a lot of golden nuggets to take back to my org. I just read your recent piece in the newsletter and the part where you spoke about as a people professional, regularly feeling like you are fighting a losing battle is my world at the moment and thankfully I discovered the People Builder community to refocus and continue to drive my passion.


<aside> ⭐ Gillian, PB ambassador - I enjoyed the unique way that this community runs events - it's very collaboration-oriented, and unique outputs are sent after each event.


<aside> ⭐ Kimberly, PB ambassador - The PB program is so powerful because of the global diverse perspectives one can get. I really appreciate people stories of how they tackled common issues in their parts of the world.


<aside> ⭐ Paola, PB ambassador - Attending PB workshops has been so useful for me. As a stand-alone Head of HR, they help me realise I'm not alone with challenges. I can brainstorm, exchange with others about ideas and struggles, get suggestions and advice.


<aside> ⭐ Cory, PB ambassador - The ability to work with People leaders from all different teams, companies, and countries was amazing, and I want to be apart of building what comes next. // Actually having an international lens on people topics, and helping  each other out identifying cultural nuances and understanding these cultural differences is truly special.


<aside> ⭐ Mariss, PB ambassador - This community is really cool. I love the Miro, the concept is so fun  – to be able to do things interactively, it’s really a way to ask what others are doing, especially from a European perspective. I like the idea of exchanging ideas, bringing different perspectives and experiences with people from around the globe. // People are hungry for resources or take-aways. They are busy, and this community has the potential to offer tactical takeaways. // You’re open to the co-build as well, if I can be a part of co-create and give ideas, I’m all in!
